Saturday, December 13, 2008

Coaching search over, for now.

Auburn has hired Gene Chizik. I am not sure how to feel about this hire. I think it will either go very well or very bad, I don't see any room for in between. We won't know how this choice turns out for at least two seasons. I know this, Gene Chizik can coach a defense. The value of Chizik will likely be measured by the people around him, his offensive coordinator will be crucial. I can not say I am thrilled with this hire but i am willing to support him and give him a chance. He is after all the Auburn coach.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Will Muschamp to Auburn

Apparently the only person who didn't know Muschamp was going to be the coach at auburn was Muschamp. i have to say i was a bit sad when Muschamp denied the report. Who wouldn't leave to scream BOOM Mother F****R all through an Auburn football game. this can only mean there is still a chance that someone at Auburn may get this right. By get this right I mean pick up the phone and call Chris Petersen. After step one of hiring Petersen, Auburn can then move on to step two of firing Jay Jacobs.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dear Jay Jacobs

You must be confused. You should be interviewing Chris Petersen, not Gary Patterson. Yes Jay that is PETERSEN not PATTERSON.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Chris Peterson for Auburn Head Coach

Why Chris Petersen.

1. He is proven
- 35-3 as a head coach.
- BCS bowl win over Oklahoma.
- High powered offense with a running game.
- He can recruit. Kids want to play in his offense.
- He has been an assistant at a BCS program.

2. He is 44 and likely to be at Auburn as long or longer than Tubby.

3. He is not a Scientologist! This was a joke by an Idaho fan that turned into a rumor and is now believed by most as truth. It is not true, he is a Catholic. End of story.

4. His players Love him, the fans love him and the school loves him.

5. He is young, he is a hot name and he can have an Urban Meyer like effect on the program.

6. He has National appeal to draw in a larger recruiting base.

7. He brings hype and excitment to the program.

8. Get him now or wish you got him later.

9. He can be had for a resonable price.

10. He is fresh and can energize a fan base an a program.

Petersen vs. the Pac-10's number two.

Scouting Chris Petersen's team

SCOUTING THE OFFENSE: The Broncos were inconsistent and explosive on offense, which was apparent in each of their last two games of the regular season. They threw for more than 300 yards in the first half at Nevada, then threw three interceptions in the third quarter. They scored 13 points in the first half against Fresno State, then scored 41 in the second half. The key was the running game. When it worked, the Broncos were nearly impossible to stop. When it didn't, freshman QB Kellen Moore found himself under pressure too often.

SCOUTING THE DEFENSE: The Broncos might have been the most dominant defense in WAC history -- at least in terms of scoring. They held their WAC opponents to 67 offensive points in eight games, and they did it in an era of wide-open offense and crazy point totals. They did it with stingy play on third and fourth down, 31 turnovers and 34 sacks -- almost always coming up with the big play they needed.
QUOTE TO NOTE: "We thought we were in it going into the third quarter, and the thing just got out of control. I've never had a game get out of control like that." -- Fresno State coach Pat Hill, on the 61-10 loss to Boise State